Saturday 11 August 2012

From an IIM-A professor to a sadhvi

Subhashini Kaul, 41, who has authored several books and international papers, has renounced everything to lead a life of a 'sadhak' in a tiny apartment in Pune. Her husband Nitin, who headed human resource management at one of the biggest retail firms in the country, too, has renounced worldly allures and turned a fakir, sleeping at railway stations in different cities. 

In 2008, Kaul, who passed out of IIM-A in 1993, had filed a sexual harassment complaint against a faculty at IIM-A. The gender committee investigated the allegations and in its report in 2009, ruled against the charges levelled by Kaul

"It's not because of any incident that I turned a sadhak... but started feeling that all the effort one puts in the materialistic world to get ahead isn't worth it and God directed me to another way of life," said Kaul, who has worked with leading corporates and was on the advisory board of the International Congress on Pervasive Computing and Management. 

After resigning from the job in 2009, Kaul returned to Mumbai and started a consulting company with her husband, whom she married in 1998. The couple ran the company for some time before deciding to sell off their house in Mumbai and live an isolated life. 

"I moved to Pune and we hardly speak. I meditate for more than 10 hours and have forgotten everything of my past," said Kaul, who is now connected to a few friends. 

"That was a monkey world where everyone was in the rat race to get ahead. But I blame no one for the happenings in my life. I have pulled out from all relations. Now, I dance when I want to and sleep when I feel like it. An atheist earlier, now I feel closer to God," said Kaul. 

The faculty member Kaul accused in her complaint had vanished under mysterious circumstances from Devprayag in Uttarakhand last year and is still missing. 

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